Similarly, energy demand prediction and appropriate timely action to manage the demand is essential for reliable power system operation and control. IoT assisted power electronic components in smart grids improve the energy efficiency to a large extent. The power electronics components also consume a significant amount of power and their efficiency maters in the overall energy efficiency of the smart cities. Besides that power consumption and power usage optimization is essential to make the smart cities sustainable. In smart cities, the power can be generated through solar panels, windmills, small hydro power plants, bio-gas plants, and small scale waste management plants. In addition to that smart grids reduce the losses incurred in transmission and distribution of power. Smart grids facilitate distributed generation, in which energy can be generated at any place, stored when excess energy is produced, and also connects with the other grids. Smart grids use IoT and several other ICT to provide better energy efficiency. Efficient energy management is essential to carry out these functions. In order to manage all these tasks smartly a large amount of energy is needed.

Smart cities provide a large number of services such as basic resource distribution (i.e., water, gas, and power etc.), healthcare, industrial and official activities, street lighting, safety and security, law enforcement, transportation, recreation, commercial activities and many more. In the current situation, smart grids are found to be the perfect match for the smart cities.Įfficient Energy Management in Smart Cities In addition to the support of IoT, smart cities need efficient energy management as the demand for energy is high. Smart cities are not possible to establish without ICT and IoT. ICT and IoT play critical roles in these smart service provisioning. Smart cities are the advanced cities in which all the basic and modern facilities are provided through smart infrastructure. Smart grids are essential to manage the modern increasing demand for power. Smart grids need the support of a large number of sensors and actuators which can be provided through a properly deployed Internet of things (IoT) and other compatible information and communication technologies (ICT). These grids are very much different from the traditional power grids. Smart grids are large multi-purpose grids which perform several functions. We justify that smart grids are the appropriate solutions for these smart cities to meet their energy demands. In this article, we address a few important points regarding the energy management in the smart cities. Energy efficiency is essential for the sustainability of these cities. Considering the size and population of these smart cities, we can estimate the energy requirements which are normally much higher than the current energy demands of the cities around the world. In smart cities, millions of sensors and actuators will be deployed to provide all the basic and customized services to the citizens. Smart cities are designed for the present and the future so that overall sustainability can be achieved through their reliable operations. In this article, we provide a few instances of efficient energy management in smart cities using the facilities available in smart grid frameworks. Smart grid is now a well-established technology with the ability to handle different types of loads and sources. In this regard, smart grids are found to be the good choice to handle the energy needs of the smart cities. However, the increasing demand for energy in smart cities creates a need for smart energy management framework. Smart cities are popular around the world due to their flexibility and ease of access for both businesses and individual needs.

Smart Grids for Efficient Energy Management in Smart Cities